How to fix common McAfee Firewall installation error?

Have you ever faced installation failure while installing the McAfee Firewall via If yes, then don’t worry you can fix the issue in no time by following these instructions:

Installation failure generally occurs due to these reasons:

  1. Another program is running in the background while you attempt installation
  2. Hard disk errors
  3. Software conflict errors caused due to temporary files

Follow all the given steps to fix the issue:

  1. Quit the on-going programs and running software

    1. Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete key together
    2. ‘Close Program’ pop-up appears
    3. Now click the ‘End Task’ for closing all the items opened in the background except internet explorer
    4. And click ‘Cancel’ in the ‘Endtask’ when you see every program is closed except Explorer

  1. Remove all the temporary files mcafee activate

In Windows Temp folder, delete all the contents
  1. Go to ‘My computer’
  2. Go to the C: drive, now you can see all the content in your hard disk
  3. Double-click the ‘Temp folder’ in the ‘Windows’ folder
  4. In the menu, hit the ‘Edit,’ and click ‘Select All.’
  5. On your keyboard press the ‘Delete’ key, in case Windows asks you about deleting files click ‘Yes’
  6. Now come to ‘Windows Taskbar’, click ‘Start,’
  7. Click ‘Shut Down’
  8. Click ‘Restart the Computer,’ now choose ‘Yes’ in the Shut Down Windows pop-up to restart your PC
  1. Now clean your hard disk
For identifying and fixing the error, run your Windows hard disk utilities, ScanDisk, and Disk Defragmenter
Click ‘Start,’ and then ‘Programs,’ select ‘Accessories’ then System Tools and click ‘Scan Disk’
  1. Choose ‘Standard and Automatic ally fix errors in the ScanDisk Window
  2. Now come to the ‘Advanced Settings dialogue box’, click ‘Advanced’
  3. Now check these following settings should be selected
    1. Only if errors found
    2. Replace Log
  • Delete
  1. Free
  1. Avoid the other options and select OK
  2. Hit ‘Start’ now scan disk begins scanning your drive for error
  3. It may take several minutes to scan your drive as it depends on the size of your drive
  4. After finishing the scanning process, close ‘Scan Disk’
  5. Now click ‘Start’ on Windows taskbar, ‘Program’ then ‘Accessories’, then ‘System Tools’ and ‘Select Disk Defragmenter’
  6. Now hit ‘OK’ and ‘Disk Defragmenter’ starts, it may take a few minutes depending on the size of your drive
  7. After finishing defragmenting process close the ‘Disk Defragmenter’
For more information on Firewall installation error or how to download, call the  customer care support and they will glad to assist you.


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